Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Question: SAFe - Mail. Is it Really Safe and Secure? Answer: NO!

This is what SAFe-Mail claims on its website; Safe-Mail.net

"Safe-mail is the most secure, easy to use communication system. It includes encrypted mail system with collaboration features and document storage functions. Always accessible at any time from anywhere!"

But we looked further into the product and found the answer about how Secure & Safe the system really is.

As any electronic communication sent across the internet is not secure.

We didn't have to look long for the answer...SAFe-Mail supplied it and showed how secure they think their own product really is.  Below is an excerpt from the TERMS of use a buyer must agree to before purchasing.

"NO REPRESENTATIONS: The Safe-mail.net e-mail system is provided "as is," without any warranty or representation of any kind, either express or implied. We do not promise that the Safe-mail.net system will be uninterrupted, impenetrable, problem or virus-free. Safe-mail.net is not responsible for user generated content."

SAFe-Mail is not safe for sensitive and confidential business communications. SAFe-Mail openly admits this fact with the above quoted disclaimer in its TERMS.

Using encrypted Email services such as Safe-Mail is the equivalent of purchasing Home Owners Insurance for your house...it gives you some piece of mind, but will not stop a fire and possible deaths from happening.